Regeneration is the hallmark of resilience, and for Nashville Indie-Folk outfit Birdtalker, the music charts the journey we go on when we discover there are worlds beyond those in which we’re raised. The couple at the core, Dani and Zack Green, began writing songs together in 2012, forming the band in 2015. The couple’s songs, at least for the time being, act as the processing and catharsis of their shedding of religions paradigms of their childhoods after mourning outgrown thought patterns and belief systems. Dani explains, “This album is about figuring out how to find your way in spite of being unsure, and also the feeling of loss that comes with letting go of the old ways. When you plug your life’s navigation back into your own gut, how scary and great that feels at the same time.”
Zach agrees, “The sting of the anger and fear is gone. This new era is about being present for life’s journey, accepting that there isn't a way to know exactly what to do, but the key is discovering what your navigation system is, knowing your meaning maker and where you come from as an individual.”
2021’s eponymous Birdtalker establishes the pair with bandmates Brian Seligman, Jesse Baker, Chris Wilson on the other side of self-discovery. Twelve songs beginning with the assured “Right On Time” unspool confidently and full of hope even when still searching like in the soft and bright “Clear Water” or first single “Old Sob Story.” “Lyrically, [‘Old Sob Story’] got a ‘fuck this I’m tired of myself’ vibe, just done with the old and ready for the new,” says Dani. “It feels like an echo of ‘Heavy,’[standout single from Birdtalker’s first album, One, but instead of being sensitive and melodramatic, we’re very open-handed and unabashed, almost silly. It’s about getting out of the head and into the body and a deeper sense of knowing.”
Tying the work together is unintentional final track, “Apes In A Daydream,” a reminder all we need is within ourselves. Zack explains, “It feels like the conclusion to this journey, where we’ve found a way to be ok with not knowing the way. The song provides a comforting voice, guiding the listener not to look outside themselves for direction, but to use their heart and their joy as a compass.”
“Old Sob Story” is being spun for listeners of Colorado Sound, KCSN, KBAC, WMVY, KROK and more, and Birdtalker is out now.
